Discover the Lucene full-text search library

Lucene is an open-source Java full-text search library which makes it easy to add search functionality to an application or website.

The goal of Lucene is to provide a gentle introduction into Lucene.

First-time Visitors

If this is your first-time here, you most probably want to go straight to the 5 minute introduction to Lucene.

What's New

Mar 24 2022 - Updated code and examples to Lucene 9.x.

Nov 15 2012 - GitHub repo now available for HelloLucene.

Nov 4 2012 - Updated code and examples to Lucene 4.0.0.

Mar 3 2012 - Expanded on Lucene Query syntax.

Jan 26 2012 - Updated code to Lucene 3.5.0.

Oct 1 2011 - Redesigned the site, and incorporated the Disqus commenting system. Updated links to Lucene 3.4.0.

Sep 16 2011 - Lucene 3.4.0 released.

If you are already using Apache Lucene 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3, we strongly recommend you upgrade to 3.4.0 because of the index corruption bug on OS or computer crash or power loss (LUCENE-3418), now fixed in 3.4.0.

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